Literati Web Page

June 20, 2011

Monday Musings 6/20/11

I was reading about this phenomenon called P.A.B.D. which stands for Post Amazing Book Depression  and means: the over-whelming sad feeling one gets after finishing a great book. 

Yes, I feel this feeling a lot! 

However, if a book has consumed me and made me feel such a part of it's life and world, it's often quite traumatic to be done with it. I do resort to many of the tactics listed in the Weekly Geek post in order to deal with it.

Yes, I've been known to seek out other books with a similar theme. 

Yes, I make other people read the book. (I did this with the ever popular Twilight, Book Thief, Hunger Games, etc.)

Yes, I read other things by the author and follow them around the internet.

No, I don't go seek out fan fiction though. That stuff sort of makes me crazy. And no I don't re-read over and over and over. For the most part anyway. 

Some of the books that have caused this P.A.B.D. for me:

--The Whole Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
--The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
--Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
--The Goddess Series by P.C. Cast
-- pretty much any big epic fantasy
-- pretty much any book where I feel a huge character connection. It's hard to let them go!

How about you? What books have caused you P.A.B.D.?

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