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July 23, 2011

Talking about JERKS

Over at The Broke and the Bookish, I read a discussion about JERKS. Yeah, so I think I can come up with some jerky characters! But first let me just say that jerks, in my mind, are different from villains. Jerks you have really truly no patience for. Villains have something about them that sometimes make you feel for them. Jerks, you never feel for. Am I right? What do you think?

1. Ambrose from The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (Ugh, he is awful!)
2. Hindley Earnshaw from Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte ( I blame him for everything that's wrong with Heathcliff!)
3. Fernand Mondago from The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (Gah! What was he thinking!?)
4. Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling (Never once felt sorry for this dude.)
5. Mr. Wickham from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (Slime all around.)

Do you agree with my list? Do you "feel" for any of these guys? What characters come to mind for you on this subject?


  1. Heathcliff is a torture,villain,dark heart, jerk. What about Eric in the House of Night? after 8 books, still he don't change, jerk! Mr Wickham? Ha! no comment!!!

  2. what about Rosalind in twilight? maybe she have a good reason, but still a pain in the liver.

  3. what about in City of Ashes & Glass, Isabelle ex-boyfriend faerie Mor...,what a arrogant jerk
